Self-reporting POs have until April 25 to review your data submissions before sending them to your auditors. Please make sure you’ve included all the measures you’ve chosen to report (including e-Measures) and double-check your data for accuracy.
IHA is dedicated to giving you accurate results, but, unfortunately, we can’t accept results appeals caused by PO self-reporting errors. Thank you in advance for taking the extra time to validate your self-reported results.
Upcoming audited quality data submission deadlines
Once your test files have been approved by TransUnion, please turn your attention to the following milestones:
April 25: Send your data to your auditor
Health plans and self-reporting POs: send your data files to auditors.
No audit is required for POs submitting Advanced Care Information e-Measures for the AMP Commercial HMO program.
May 6: Submit your data to TransUnion by 5pm PDT
Health plans and self-reporting POs: submit your auditor-locked data files to TransUnion.
POs who only submit e-Measures for use in AMP Commercial HMO: submit your data files to TransUnion.
Health plans have until April 30 to submit Q1 2021 data files to Onpoint, including monthly eligibility files between January 1, 2021 and March 31, 2021 and all claims paid or changed through March 31, 2021 that have not been previously submitted.
All Q1 2021 submissions must pass data quality checks by May 20 to be included in the MY 2021 plan validation reports.
in other news
Portal migration
We’re migrating the technology solution we use to deliver your AMP results and reporting. Starting with MY 2021, AMP deliverables will be available through Onpoint Health Data’s Performance Reporting Portal (PRP). This migration will provide our AMP participants a more streamlined experience and better utilize Onpoint’s data services and analytic solutions.
What can you expect moving forward?
A new portal experience using the Onpoint PRP to access MY 2021 preliminary results, final results, and other AMP program deliverables. All AMP participants already have access to the PRP, which offers member-level detail to support results verification.
A combined and extended Questions and Appeals period in Q3 (date TBD), covering all AMP data pathways at once: the audited TransUnion clinical quality results, PBGH Patient Assessment Survey, and Onpoint-generated results.
We are moving from two, shorter Questions and Appeals periods (in May and August respectively) to one, extended Questions and Appeals, which will take place this Q3 (date TBD).
This means IHA will not be hosting a Questions and Appeals in May/June as we prepare for the combined release in Q3.
Adjustments to our program timeline: Please expect a delay in the release of MY 2021 final results, which we expect to publish in Q4 (date TBD).
We know that our AMP participants need to manage staff resources and business use-cases - like our public award recognition and value-based incentive payouts, so we are proactively communicating information as quickly as possible.
In the coming months, we will work with Onpoint to provide portal training and PRP account setup support for AMP participants; we will also be updating our AMP participant resources. We appreciate your patience and feedback during this transition. Please reply to this newsletter if you have any questions or concerns.
Now available: Atlas MY 2020 results
The Atlas is a free, publicly available tool that measures how healthcare is performing, by geography and product type. Our latest Atlas release includes performance information for commercial insurers and Medicare Advantage to help improve care and reduce disparities. It also provides benchmarks by region and insurance type to enable performance tracking over time.
Visit to see MY 2020 healthcare cost and quality insights and view tutorials to help you use the tool. For health plans, log in to compare and download your health plan’s results with all-plan aggregated data across California.
in the pipeline
OPA Medicare Report Card, 2021-22 Edition
The California Office of the Patient Advocate (OPA) is pleased to announce the preview period for updates to the 2021-2022 Edition Health Care Quality Report Cards – Medicare. The preview period is scheduled to begin Monday, April 18, 2022, and will be open through Friday, April 22, 2022, at 5pm.
Organizations will be sent a link to access the OPA Stakeholder page prior to the Preview Period. To be added to OPA’s mailing list, send an email to
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